Be careful talking to the doc at the exit go slow so you can make sure to turn on Hardcore mode when prompted otherwise you need to start character creation over again. Before you leave the house, look in a metal box in a door to your left for a Laser Pistol and some Energy Cells. For your two 'traits', take Skilled and Good Natured. Reset the skills chosen for you and take Speech, Lockpick, and Energy Weapons. You can Skip through all the questions and ink blots since you're going to pick your skills anyway. Next you have a sit-down with doc and do some psycho analysis mumbo jumbo. We will get all the important ones to 10 and the rest will be respectable.

Distribute them as such:Ħ STR, 5 Per, 5 End, 4 Cha, 8 INT (for more skill points between levels), 5 Agi, 7 Luck The doc will have you walk over to a vigor tester and decide on your S.P.E.C.I.A.L.